Wednesday, August 1, 2012

30 day challenge

Har sett att många simsbloggar och simblr har börjat göra så kallade 30 day challenge och eftersom jag inte kan vara mycket sämre vill jag också prova! Jag hittade denna på Tumblr så nu får vi se hur de går!
Tänker börja på en gång med my simself, gjorde alltid mig själv och kompisar förut men just nu har jag inte någon sim som ska likna mig.

Day 1 - Yourself as a Sim with your traits/aspiration
Day 2 - A house you built
Day 3 - Your favorite neighborhood (EA, downloaded, or self-made)
Day 4 - The skill your Sim is most commonly learning
Day 5 - Your favorite EA object in the game 
Day 6 - Something your Sims do that drives you crazy
Day 7 - Favorite interaction or facial expression of a Sim
Day 8 - The most common reason your Sims die
Day 9 - Favorite and least favorite expansion pack or version of the game
Day 10 - Your favorite celebrity as a Sim (made by you) 
Day 11 - Favorite Sim living in the neighborhood that you didn’t create
Day 12 - The community lot you visit the most
Day 13 - Favorite piece of custom content/mod or the reason why you don’t have any
Day 14 - Your favorite and least favorite stage of a Sim’s life
Day 15 - The Life Time Aspiration/wants/fears your Sims most commonly have
Day 16 - A music clip/YouTube video of the background music you enjoy most
Day 17 - Your favorite “special” Sim species (Witches, Vampires, Aliens, Werewolves, Plant Sims, etc)
Day 18 - The longest family tree you ever had/the Sim you played with the most and why
Day 19 - One thing you would change about the game 
Day 21 - Something that happened/could happen that made you quit without saving
Day 22 - The most scandalous thing you’ve done with Sims
Day 23 - The most awesome Sims you’ve ever had without cheating
Day 24 - A video you made yourself with Sims
Day 25 - Something that happens in Sims you wish happened in real life
Day 26 - Favorite place to download Sims custom content
Day 27 - The cheat you use most commonly and a cheat you rarely/never use
Day 28 - An expansion pack you wish EA would make
Day 29 - The reason you started playing Sims in the beginning
Day 30 - The reason you are still a Sims fan today 

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